Confessions of a Serial Over-Packer (And How to Pack Smarter)

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Simran Ahuja
Simran Ahuja
Simran Ahuja is an independent journalist from India, now based in Denmark. She has contributed to prominent publications including The Hindu, India's National Newspaper, and the New Indian Express, writing about all things food, art, culture, and lifestyle.
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Mastering the Art of Packing: Lessons from My Journey Across Continents

The Over-Packing Dilemma: Embracing My Packing Personality

When it comes to traveling and packing, I am a serial over-packer, even though I have always wanted to be that other type of girl. You know the kind… 

The one who throws things into her suitcase at the last minute but still manages to look très chic in every outfit. But that’s just not me. I pack. And then I overpack. Because what if, just what if, I change my mind about the white T-shirt and want a pop of color instead?

But it’s one thing packing for a fun weekend getaway and another for a move that spans continents.

Moving Abroad: The Challenge of Packing for a Continent-Hopping Adventure

That’s what I learned this past August when I moved from India to Europe to pursue my Master’s degree.

It’s a strange feeling to pack up your entire life to fit into two suitcases, with only a weight limit of 40 kgs (88 lbs). Speaking of limits, here’s another travel pro tip: check the TSA website in advance to ensure you comply with any new rules or regulations.

There’s a lot I wanted to carry but didn’t have the space for. But I’ve learned a thing or two about efficient packing along the way and how to pack smarter.

1. Lists, Lists, And More ListsOrganized packing using traveling cubes

I broke down my list of packing items into sub-categories. I had a different one for each: electronics, toiletries, clothes, shoes, accessories, medicines, etc.

Grouping my essentials this way made it easier to remember everything.

I also used traveling cubes to pack items accordingly (something simple like this works). It kept everything organized and neat, and most importantly, unpacking wasn’t as annoying as I thought!

2. Sorting the Wardrobe: A Pile-by-Pile Approach

Two piles of sorted clothes, how to pack smarterDownsizing can simplify the process. I had one rule while packing my wardrobe: If I haven’t worn something in the last six months, I’m likely not going to in the next six, either.

Sorting items by dividing them into YES, NO, and MAYBE piles helped a lot. And for moments when I couldn’t choose between my head and heart, a third party, like my friend or sibling, was the voice of reason.

It was sad leaving behind some things. But that’s also the exciting part. Now, there would be room for new things, clothes, and style!

3. The Early Bird Catches the Stress-Free Worm 

HOW TO PACK SMARTERStart early. My packing took over two weeks. A move across continents is not easy, and leaving it for the end is such a killjoy.

I wish I had done it earlier and spent my last few days at home relaxing and bonding with loved ones instead of sitting on top of a suitcase while my friend tried to zip it shut!

4. Comfort Away from Home: Essentials That Ease the Transition

a black counter with two spoons filled with Indian spacesDo remember to bring some familiar comforts. There isn’t a day that goes by when I don’t think of something I left behind while packing. Mostly, it’s related to food and ingredients from home I figured I wouldn’t need once I move.

But having a small stash of comfort food – snacks from home, spices, your favorite coffee mix – are all lifesavers when the homesickness hits.

5. Trimming the Excess: Leaving Behind the Unnecessary

Various items on a bed and clothes next to a woman packing a organized suitcase

A smart travel packing tips list would be incomplete without this tip: Leave things behind.

Hindsight really is 20/20. I now wish I had paid more attention to things I could have left behind.

In retrospect, I now know I could have managed without my pressure cooker here. There’s always a place to find every kitchen essential you need; if there isn’t, there’s an online marketplace!

6. Community Wisdom: Tapping into Local Insights for a Smarter Move

three questions marksThe above point was slightly easier to do when I reached out to students already living in the town I was moving to.

Getting an idea of everything I should have brought from home vs. things that were safe to leave behind was so helpful in keeping my bag within safe baggage limits. 

7. Creating Space for New Things

HOW TO PACK SMARTERWould you believe it if I told you the heaviest item in my luggage was my bag of toiletries and skincare? Not my winter jackets, shoes, or handy pressure cooker.

Initially, I packed enough products to keep me going for a year. Until I realized I was running out of space for other important essentials. I dumped half my bag of skincare out with a heavy heart. But after arriving in my new home, I’m glad I did.

Moving to a new place means discovering so many things I wouldn’t have found back home. And it lets me build a new, maybe even improved, routine!

8. Embracing Imperfections: Lessons from a Less-Than-Perfect Pack

Despite my many lists, I still forgot to bring some things. Or things I didn’t realize I would need. And guess what? It’s been alright. My solution has been finding alternatives or learning to adapt without them.

That’s what I’ve learned about how to pack smarter. You don’t become a pro in one go. 

It takes time and making mistakes to get there. The whole experience is an endless learning curve, but I hope these tips will help you on your next journey – wherever it may take you!

And when the time comes to move, check out the Home & Texture article: Moving Out? TikTokers Are Using These Hacks To Repair Damage (and Get Their Deposits Back).

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