3 Simple Solutions for Mommy Brain

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LaTeisha Clément
LaTeisha Clémenthttps://www.lateishaclement.com/
I am a woman who loves fashion, beauty, love, connection, and romance. At different points in my life, these values may change. I'm also inspired by dope conversations, good food, and things that are aesthetically pleasing. Being a mom helped me to get in touch with my womanhood, so my son is very much a special part of me. I am navigating life while learning how to trust God, which you'll find out more about through my writings. I have experience in fashion, style, parenting, womanhood, and mental wellness.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Mommy Brain | Reclaiming Mental Clarity With 3 Simple Solutions

If you ever forgot to schedule that doctor’s appointment for your child, couldn’t remember where you placed your keys or forgot to cancel that free subscription, you may be experiencing Mommy Brain. Here’s everything you need to know about how to help postpartum brain fog.

The Science Behind ‘Momnesia’

This “condition” is a mother’s forgetfulness or the brain fog she endures during pregnancy and a few months after giving birth.

What To Expect explains that “gray matter decreases in certain parts of the brain during pregnancy and then increases in some brain regions postpartum.” Research says this “momnesia” lasts until you’re a few months postpartum. Studies show that this adaption makes room for the reshaping of neural connections needed for motherhood.

Beyond Postpartum: The Everlasting Mommy Brain Mystery Unraveled

But what about us moms who still forget things and our kids are way past the postpartum stage? My son is 8 years old and things still slip my mind on occasion! So, how long does mommy brain last? I’d like to say I have Mommy Brain, too, and wear that as a badge of honor. However, in reality, some of a mother’s forgetfulness can be attributed to stress, sleep deprivation, nutrition and hormonal changes.

Have you assessed your bandwidth and how much do you have on your plate? Knowing your capacity is vital when it comes to your mental and emotional well-being.

# 1: Assess your Emotional Load

What are you holding onto that you can let go of? Maybe it’s fear that the person you want to become will never materialize. Maybe you’ve tried several times to “be better” but you still fall short. Or perhaps, you broke up with someone and fear you’ll never be loved again.

Our trepidations are unique to us. But the bottom line is if we don’t release these anxieties, they’ll continue to overpower us. Life doesn’t promise to be easy. Yet, our ability to recover ultimately lies in our willingness to let go. I also share more about this along with releasing mommy guilt here.

  • Affirm who you are. Negative thoughts tend to dominate our psyches. Thus, a positive mindset takes practice.
  • Talk to yourself in the mirror. As silly as it may feel, try it anyway. Empower yourself. You are a source of wealth and beauty who was created to overcome.

#2: Watch What You Take In

A healthy brain thrives on nourishment. Therefore, what you feed your mind, body, and soul, matters. Surveys show that for many mothers, focusing the brain on something simple, and relaxing encourages the mind to quieten and clear, reducing the feeling of fog.

For me, reading is a fitting pastime and allows my mind to relax a bit. Several years ago, I read Taraji P. Henson’s memoir, Around The Way Girl and it took me to a place of nostalgia. I felt like I was watching one of those Black classics, like Higher Learning (1995) or my favorite movie, Love & Basketball (2000) with Sanaa Lathan and Omar Epps. Taraji was so candid about her journey in adulthood, fame, and parenting, that I couldn’t help but be engulfed in her world. It’s ok to let your brain relax and dive into another life, another world, or a fictional past, present, or future.

Visit your local library or Barnes & Noble. You might be pleasantly surprised.

Food is another source we consume, which also impacts our memory. What we eat and drink plays a vital role in shaping our mental clarity. Since making mindful choices contributes to our overall well-being, I’d suggest the following to support brain function based on personal experience (as I am not a doctor – let’s just make that disclaimer clear!):


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Brain Food By KELIS (Instagram @KELIS)

Brain Food, by Kelis

Singer, mother, chef, and farmer, Kelis Rogers (who goes by Kelis), developed “Brain Food.” This superfood is an organic powdered mix of nine mushrooms, ranging from lion’s mane to maitake, dates, cocoa, maca, and dehydrated coconut milk.

The mushrooms are reported to improve brain focus, boost energy/libido, and reduce stress, to name a few. Trust me. There is an extensive list of benefits and I love that the Bounty & Full brand features high-quality, organically farmed products.

Walnuts are another brain booster.

They have polyphenolic compounds which are antioxidants that protect the brain against inflammation. They can also help form new brain cells (Health.com). If you’re in the market for walnuts, here are some recipes:

#3 Now, rest

Your mind needs to rest so your soul can be at peace. A racing mind can contribute to Mommy Brain as well. Thinking too much only elevates stress levels. Furthermore, overthinking blocks our ability to hear our soul’s cry for attention. During one of my therapy sessions, I was once told “I deserve rest.” That was comforting because, at that point, I functioned like rest was a luxury I couldn’t take advantage of. Don’t be like me. Take a beat.

Bonus Tip

When it comes to Mommy Brain, studies show that if you write things down (unofficial Tip #4), you’ll remember more. However, God also took me in another direction with this: Looking inward is how we ground ourselves and get back to the center. Hence, the spiritual advice.

I wish the best for you Mommas who are living and breathing this thing called Life. We are warriors who wake up every day more mindful than the last. Let’s continue to mark our paths with intentionality and ease. This particular mindset alleviates Mommy Brain, too!

Be well.


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