

What I Wish I Knew Before Writing A Book: Part 2

Now that you’re aware of your calling and/or feel the impetus to write this book, what comes next? If You Can, Hire a Writing Coach Two...

What I Wish I Knew Before Writing a Book: Part 1

The Journey to Writing a Book I’ve always been someone people could talk to because I had a knack for listening intently and asking open-ended...

Sober Curious –– What’s everyone talking about?

Exploring Sober Curiosity and the Rise of Mindful Drinking More and more people have been walking away from alcohol, and not just for “Dry January”...

What’s for Dinner? This Crispy Fried Vegan Eggplant

Crispy Fried Vegan Eggplant is Coming On my newly vegan journey, I have been re-discovering and rethinking vegetables I thought I didn’t like. Eggplant being...

A Must Read