Princess Pitts Pierre

Comparison Kills

You never know what a person has gone through to get to where they are now. But it doesn't stop any of us from...

Secrets and Scandal in ‘Big Little Lies’

Looking for your next great read? We suggest scanning the New York Times Bestseller list to find a variety of new book releases. Picking...

The Shining Returns and Danny does too in ‘Doctor Sleep’

Stephen King needs no introduction. He is the quintessential fiction writer encompassing mystery, thriller, love, and horror. Most, to this day, don't realize King's writing...

Girlfriend’s Guide to Football

With another NFL Superbowl Sunday upon us, I figured it's a great time to share a wisdom nugget with my girls. Here is the...

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A lifestyle blog and resource for food, family, inspiration, healthy living, decor & more.
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